
- 问题:What’s your full name?(你的全名是什么?)
- 回答:My full name is [你的全名].
- 问题:When and where were you born?(你何时何地出生?)
- 回答:I was born on [出生日期] in [出生地点].
- 问题:What’s your nationality?(你的国籍是什么?)
- 回答:I’m from [国籍].
- 问题:What type of visa are you applying for?(你申请的是什么类型的签证?)
- 回答:I’m applying for a [签证类型,如 tourist visa/travel visa/student visa 等] visa.
- 问题:What’s your purpose of going to the US?(你去美国的目的是什么?)
- 回答:I’m going to the US for [具体目的,如 traveling, visiting relatives, studying, etc.]. 例如,如果是旅游:I’m going to the US for traveling. I want to visit some famous tourist attractions like the Grand Canyon and New York City.
- 问题:How long do you plan to stay in the US?(你计划在美国停留多长时间?)
- 回答:I plan to stay in the US for [停留时长,如 two weeks/a month 等].
- 问题:What’s your educational background?(你的教育背景是什么?)
- 回答:I graduated from [毕业院校名称] with a [学位名称] in [专业名称].
- 问题:What was your major in university? Why did you choose this major?(你在大学学的什么专业?为什么选择这个专业?)
- 回答:My major was [专业名称]. I chose this major because I have a strong interest in [阐述对专业感兴趣的原因,如 related field or career prospects 等]. 例如:My major was Computer Science. I chose this major because I have a strong interest in the field of technology and I believe it has great career prospects in the future.
- 问题:What’s your current job?(你目前的工作是什么?)
- 回答:I’m currently working as a [职位名称] at [公司名称].
- 问题:How long have you been working there?(你在那里工作了多久?)
- 回答:I have been working there for [工作时长,如 two years 等].
- 问题:What are your main responsibilities in your current job?(你目前工作的主要职责是什么?)
- 回答:My main responsibilities include [列举主要工作职责].
- 问题:Who will pay for your trip to the US?(谁将支付你去美国的费用?)
- 回答:I will pay for the trip by myself. 或者 My parents will pay for my trip. 等等,根据实际情况回答。
- 问题:Can you show me your proof of financial support?(你能出示你的资金支持证明吗?)
- 回答:Sure. Here is my bank statement/bank deposit certificate, etc. 同时递上相关的资金证明材料.
- 问题:When do you plan to go to the US?(你计划何时去美国?)
- 回答:I plan to go to the US in [具体日期或时间段].
- 问题:Which cities or places do you plan to visit in the US?(你计划在美国参观哪些城市或地方?)
- 回答:I plan to visit [列举计划去的城市或地点,如 Los Angeles, San Francisco, etc.]. I want to experience the different cultures and attractions there.
- 问题:Have you booked your hotel and flight tickets?(你已经预订了酒店和机票吗?)
- 回答:Yes, I have already booked the hotel and flight tickets. Here are the booking confirmations. 并递上相关预订确认单.
- 问题:Are you married? Do you have any children?(你结婚了吗?你有孩子吗?)
- 回答:Yes, I’m married and I have [X] children. 或者 No, I’m single and I don’t have any children.
- 问题:Do you have any relatives or friends in the US?(你在美国有亲戚或朋友吗?)
- 回答:Yes, I have [亲戚或朋友的关系及人数]. I plan to visit them during my stay in the US. 或者 No, I don’t have any relatives or friends in the US.
- 问题:Have you ever been to other countries before?(你以前去过其他国家吗?)
- 回答:Yes, I have been to [列举去过的国家]. I went there for [简要说明去这些国家的目的,如 traveling, business, etc.]. 或者 No, I haven’t been to any other countries before.
- 问题:Have you ever been refused a US visa before?(你曾经被拒签过美国签证吗?)
- 回答:Yes, I have been refused before. But I have carefully reviewed my application materials and I believe this time it will be approved. 或者 No, I haven’t been refused a US visa before.
- 问题:What will you do after you return to your country?(你回国后打算做什么?)
- 回答:I will continue my current job/continue my study, etc. I have many plans and commitments in my country, so I will definitely come back.
- 问题:Why do you choose to go to the US instead of other countries?(你为什么选择去美国而不是其他国家?)
- 回答:I choose the US because [阐述选择美国的原因,如 the unique educational resources, famous tourist attractions, business opportunities, etc.]. 例如:I choose the US because it has some of the world’s top universities and I want to experience the advanced education system there.
- 回答简洁明了:直接回答问题,不要绕圈子或给出过于冗长复杂的答案。
- 保持诚实:务必如实回答所有问题,签证官很容易发现谎言,一旦发现可能导致拒签。
- 与DS-160表格一致:回答内容要与填写的 DS-160 表格信息一致,避免出现矛盾。
- 提供支持材料:如果有相关的证明材料,在回答问题时可以主动递交给签证官,增加可信度。
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